
Balázs Gyémánt

Professional World Traveller

Hello and welcome to my blog!

Balázs utazik in the blog's title means "Balázs is travelling".

As you see most content is in Hungarian and only a small section is in English. I'm a Professional World Traveller. 

I'm based in Budapest, Hungary and I travel around the world. I'm a freelancer tour director / tour guide. I'm licensed in Hungary and in New York City and I frequently travel to the USA. 

I work as content creator and travel blogger. I started blogging when I was 18 and was an intern for the Hungarian National Tourist Office in New York City and wanted to share my experiences with my friends.

I got the World's Second Best Job! This was a blog competition created by a prestigious Hungarian travel agency: Tensi. I was travelling on their behalf for a year and my job was to snap, shoot and write a blog about my travels. I visited the Caribbean, the Mediterranean on cruise ships, I met with Santa Claus at the Arctic Circle, I did a city break in Riga, explored Provance and had a pampering visit to Mauritius. My travels were featured in the press, I had many radio and tv appearences and my name got linked with travel blogging. Some of the articles on this blog are from those times. 

During the London Olympics in 2012, I was selected by Samsung to cover London during the events. I had an amazing time there and met a lot of fantastic, likeminded travel bloggers.

I have worked with travel companies and destinations to convey their messages via blogs. I was responsible for a Destination Germany and a Travel Agency Brand blog. 

Besides the blogs, I go on assignment and create content for travel and lifestyle magazines and websites. I have been contributing for InStyle, Marie Claire, The Explorer, First Class Magazine, Art is Business to name a few. 

I have done a lot of television work as a creative producer. That includes coming up with stories, organizing them, making the interviews and editing the footage. I used to be behind the scenes for broadcast television programs featuring news, fashion, travel, lifestyle and sports.

I finished my MBA studies at Modul University in Vienna, Austria. I majored in Tourism Management. I graduated in Advertising and International Communications at the Budapest Metropolitan University and finished another degree in Marketing Communications at Middlesex University, London. 

As of 2021, I have been working on Budapest's destination marketing for the official tourism organization of Budapest.  

My life revolves around travelling, tourism and media.

If you are interested in working together with me, please get in touch at balazs.gyemant @ gmail.com or here:



Instagram: @balazsutazik



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